Saturday, July 08, 2006


Do you or do you not? i ask myself
i search my world and try to find you
your staring at me like i'm a stranger

Interschools is over, thighs are aching and wrist is cracking
i sprain my wrist-(end of story) i hope to recover(i doubt so).
I finished fourth lionel first justin second chun third-420 power
first day i went home will a top 11 result i told myself this is
totally screwed up two races i finished 15,8 and got yellow flag
what fuck, what happened to working my ass for the school

I dont know , i shouted fuck it in my room and told myself
tomorrow this is not gonna happen i'm gonna get top 6 for all
my races. Second day first race i finished 19, i swore i never
felt that way in sailing before i felt like packing my bag and
quiting sailing, i felt so aww. Then i had good starts for the next four
races and my score was 4,5,7,1. Anger is good, it helped me in hiking

My actual aim was to finish top 8 but i overshot so i'm quite happy
i proved a point , that crews can sail and we can sail well so you
fuckers out there better shut your fucking mouth, i'm no opti reject
i quit because i was too heavy and i finished second behind timothy seet
in my last regetta in opti, i tied points with him do you fuckers know
that he won south americans this year? so shut the fuck up.

Leaving tomorrow night for u.k, it'll be night flight and yes, we'll
miss world cup finals nvm that is, come what may wind
3 knots or 30 knots, zhang jiao lian aka champion coach asked me
something in kiel he ask what are sailors not afraid of? i got 2 second stun
then he said wind waves and weather. Nothing is gonna bring us down
nothing can. We'll be sailing in the ocean something like with huge jellyfishes
salty water strong currents huge waves and probably sharks .
Hahas reminds me of the shark conversation i had yesterday

step 1.- i chop off my hand
step 2.- i pour my blood all over you
step 3.- sharks bite you first
step 4.- then bite me

Stupid lah!! ROAR__

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